Friday, May 27, 2011

Now Hiring ...a Wet Nurse!

Okay so it has been a week and a few days since the arrival of our beautiful baby boy and I just have to say one thing...I am looking to hire a wet nurse.
Just part time, you know. :) Now that would be something to smile about. Why did they get rid of those anyways?

Minus Brad and I walking around like Zombies for the first week, things are actually going really well. Lucy is the best big Sister a boy could ask for. If I had a dollar for every time she gives Charlie kisses in a day, I would be a millionaire! For some reason she thinks that Charlie can see her better if she gets right up into his face, so every time we turn around we have to pry her off of Charlie's Face, and let her know that "He's actually sleeping". Don't mess though because any time Charlie even Wimpers a little bit while he's sleeping she practically breaks down and cries until one of us makes sure that he is comfortable. She is also very protective so anytime one of our friends wants to hold Charlie she gets really upset and cries. Its really funny.

I think he looks so handsome...just like his daddy!!!:)

We Love Charlie!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Renaissance Woman.

" Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance man in every sense of the term; he was highly creative, inquisitive about the entire world around him, talented in multiple areas, and master of many crafts. During his life he was a painter, musician, architect, engineer, scientist, teacher, historian, optician, cartographer, and adviser to nobles and kings...Leonardo da Vinci embodied the spirit of the Renaissance because he was so talented and well rounded, both artistically and technically. In fact, he saw little difference between art and technology-seeking excellence and fame by doing both together." the History of Creativity
In my history of Creativity class we talked alot about how here in college we should be molding ourselves into Renaissance men and women...hummm...interesting thought. But how DOES one become a renaissance man or woman?
Leonardo once said, "The natural desire of good men is knowledge." and he truely practiced what he preached. His whole life was filled with learning.
Becoming well rounded in every subject is another way to become a Renaissance man/woman. Our teacher said we should start by having a deep passion and knowledge about one or two topics, but then also know a little about a lot of topics. The lord puts no limits on us. It begins with curiosity and the "will to pursue learning wherever it might be found!"
I am engaged to a renaissance man.:) I am so lucky.
Is Mona Lisa Smiling? I thinks so...probably because she is a renaissance woman.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Some kind of Beautiful

Okay. So its amazing how one single boy can change my whole life. Every day I wake up and I say, "Self...GREAT DAY!" because I really am engaged to the most amazing person in the world. It's a beautiful thing and I don't think I can keep it all to myself...and so... I will post our engagement pictures on this blog in order to share the love.
Brad Meldrum and Rachel Smith in wonderland.